Jessica Shaw

I'm the author of
The Great Cookie Kerfuffle and
Alice Alone.
I LOVE writing for kids.
Because kids are the best.
Cookies are also really good. But kids are the BEST!
Alice has a BIG family.
She has four older brothers and four younger sisters, which puts Alice smack-dab, kerplunk, right in the middle. And sometimes, this middle child just wants to be alone! One day, Alice sneaks away from a family gathering. She loves skipping, singing, and twirling on her own--until she realizes she's lost and feeling an itsy, bitsy, teensy, tiny bit...lonely.
Hurriedly retracing her steps to the arms of her mushy, marvelous family, she learns that maybe being in the middle isn't so bad after all.

Now available for pre-order at your favorite book store!

A Mathical Book Prize Honor Book!
A friendly little farm breaks into chaos as increasing numbers
of farm animals fight over a dropped cookie, until there's trouble overhead!
United against a common enemy, the animals learn that friendship and taking care of each other is more important than winning a fight.